Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Internet site and Blog Design Problems - What You'll be able to Do About Them [article from Articleranks]

Internet site and Blog Design Problems - What You'll be able to Do About Them

Web design is not just about getting the colors right or the font in the right place - it goes way beyond that. Take a look at the following web design mistakes and see if you have ever made them.

There are some aspects of site design that are so important they cannot be wrong, and your website or blog navigation is one of them. You basically have two approaches with navigation, the structure itself as well as one more method that works well. One important addition that should always be assumed is the ability to let people search your sites. This is a standby navigation function that will have its uses for those who cannot find exactly what they are looking for in your content. If your readers like your site and content, then this will merely be the icing on the cake. Besides this, you should try and avoid having "drop down" menus on your site. Whether or not it will appeal to all of your visitors is another matter, entirely. You can find different criticisms about the drop-down, so this will be a judgment call on your part.

There's this idea that many webmasters/web-designers tend to follow and that is to open the external links in new browser windows to make sure the user stays on the site. If you took a poll among users, you would discover that most people do not appreciate that when it happens. Let the user decide whether he wants to stay on your site or not; if he leaves your site and wants to come back, he can always use the back button. You can also see some sites that will have code that affects the browser dimensions when it opens up, and this goes back to playing with controls that the user wants to have control over. Every user is different so let them have the freedom to manage things on his own.

Color has an influence on people, and you have to do some research about your niche on this one. If your visitors start to get a headache after visiting your site and looking at it for a few minutes, you should consider changing the color scheme to make your web pages more soothing to the eyes of your visitors. This is not a difficult issue to fix, but it does require you to give it some thought, though. As always, you do need to remove your feelings if you are not a part of that audience or market. If the colors work well, then that is one less thing you have to worry about.

There are still so many site design mistakes that have not been touched upon, so keep reading more about this is you want to design your own business sites. Go ahead and start off applying these ideas to your free credit check site and see the results for oneself.

tags:internet marketing,online marketing,internet business

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